Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Good Guy Pose- The Maguindanao Massacre

Remember what this is? Oh come on. I know you know what I mean...

That's right. Now here's one for you!

This, as we all know, is the good guy pose. It may be the most common- or most profound gesture that expresses approval over an action or accomplishment. It can also be translated as a form of reassurance over a matter that brings about the air of extreme doubt.

With fifty people found dead in the aftermath of the Maguindanao massacre, we can only help but think about how screwed up the world is. I'm not going to talk about any political analyses here, or any crap about why this happened and what must be done- everyone knows that already, everyone knows what must be done, it's just that no one's brave enough, or rich enough to do it.

For that, I give the good guy pose for any person out there for not being able to do what must be done, given that he/she has the resources to do it. Fuck you, you inconsiderate ass-wipes.

I give the good guy pose to the Ampatuans, who're going to get screwed because they got their heads shoved way up their asses. (I have to say though, they must be punished- Justice must be served on the part of the people killed). They're monsters, yes, that's true and it's rumored that their political rivals were direct descendants of their clan as well. You know what that means: food fight! Kidding aside, I know a lot of people would crave for justice, and would call to the present administration to stop the growing culture of fucking impunity- but they don't give a shit. That's the way it works, i guess. That's why I'm giving them another good guy pose. They killed a lot of people and they are actually going to get away with it!

I also give the good guy pose to the Moro warlords in Maguindanao as a form of approval- Yes! Kill all the bastards that haplessly murdered innocent women and children. Shoot their testicles, rip off their pubic hairs one-by-one. Tickle their feet until they die. While you're at it, you might as well point that gun on your fucking Jihadist heads and pull the Goddamn trigger. You're no different.

And the ultimate good guy pose goes to the President of the Philippines who's done everything she can to make the Philippines a worse place and by making sure that everyone's lives are as screwed up as they should be.

.condolences to the victims of the massacre. the REAL GOOD GUY POSE goes to you. may you find eternal rest.

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